Name Qiaoling Sun
Title M.D., Associate Chief Physician
Areas of Focus Conventional renal diseases, Monoclonal gamma of renal significance, Acute and chronic tubulointersitial diseases

Qiaoling Sun, associate chief physician, Doctor of Medcine, graduated from Peking Union Medical College. Member of the Pathology Branch of Shandong Medical Association, Member of the Diagnostics Branch of Shandong Medical Association. Familiar with diagnosis and treatment of conventional renal disease (nephrotic syndrome, chronic nephritis, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease and autoimmunonephrology), and also has extensive experience in diagnosis and treatment of monoclonal gamma of renal significance, acute and chronic tubulointersitial disease. Approved as an applicant for 3 national and Shandong Provincial Funds. The main research results have been published in more than 3 international journal.