
Inheriting the Spirit of Qilu and Composing the Chapter of a Progressive Era------ the Opening of the High-Quality Development Forum for the 130th Anniversary of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University

Updatetime:2020-12-16 11:17:26 From:International Office

On October 18, 2020, the opening ceremony of the High-Quality Development Forum for the 130th Anniversary of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University was held in Shandong Hotel.
Secretary of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee Liu Jiayi attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. More than 200 people attended the ceremony, including Liu Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and Secretary General, Guo Xinli, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shandong University, Fan Liming, President of the Shandong University, 11 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, person in charge of the relevant departments and bureaus of the National Health Commission, person in charge of the relevant departments and units of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the provincial government, person in charge of Jinan, representatives of domestic friendly hospitals and the leading body of Qilu Hospital. Hou Junping, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University host the opening ceremony and President Chen Yuguo delivered a report on the development of Qilu hospital. 

In his speech, Liu Jiayi said that people's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress, an important symbol of national prosperity and strength, and the common pursuit of the broad masses of people. In recent years, we have resolutely implemented the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions: adhering to the principle that people and life is the most important, always putting people's life safety and health in the first place, making efforts to improve the public health system and focusing on improving the leadership system of the public health organization, regulatory system, standard facilities system, emergency management system, medical treatment system, monitoring and early warning system, material security system, talent pool, research and innovation system, and education and training system, through which we are continuously raising the level of the development of our health-care system. In the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, we have coordinated the prevention and control of the pandemic with the socio-economic development. As a result, all major indicators are better than expected and people’s health are effectively safeguarded. We will further implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on healthcare, placing greater emphasis on prevention and improving our ability to deal with public health emergencies. With a greater orientation towards grass roots, we will promote an optimal allocation of medical and health resources. To deepen the reform of the medical and health system, we will stimulate vitality; to promote the quality of public health and medical treatment, we will focus on the coordination between medical services and prevention measures, to make breakthroughs in key medical science technologies, we will pay more attention to scientific research and innovation, and accelerate the empowerment of informatization; to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with internationally advanced medical institutions and high-end talents, we will put more emphasis on opening up to the outside world; to vigorously cultivate the medical and health industry centered on people's health and build a medical and health demonstration province, we will pay more attention to building active relationships between industries. We sincerely invite all academicians and experts to actively participate in the health development for all people in Shandong province, and we will, as always, support the construction of high-level hospitals represented by Qilu Hospital and sincerely hope Qilu Hospital make greater contributions in the new era.

Fan Liming, President of Shandong University, pointed out in her speech that over the past 130 years, Qilu Hospital has always adhered to the motto of “Adhering to Medical Ethics and Seeking to Professional Excellence”, deeply practicing the spirit of "Helping the public and seeking truth from a wide range of wisdom" and unswervingly taking care of people’s life and health. Qilu Hospital has made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese medicine. She hopes that Qilu Hospital will take this as an opportunity to embark on a new journey and achieve a greater success. She suggested that the hospital should maintain the pioneering spirit, working hard to shoulder the new mission in the coming era and make new progress. With unremitting spirits and indomitable attitudes, the hospital will speed up the enhancement of the hospital's comprehensive strength and core competitiveness, to promote the historic transformation of Shandong University from big to strong, and to promote the construction of a modern and strong Shandong province.

Yang Min, Secretary of the CPC committee and vice president of the Chinese Medical Association, fully affirmed the brilliant achievements of Qilu Hospital in the past 130 years, and expressed his good wishes for the future development of the hospital. He said that the association would continue to support the construction and development of Qilu hospital. 

Chen Yuguo, president of Qilu hospital, reported the development of the hospital in recent years. After reviewing the glorious course of the hospital in the past 130 years, President Chen introduced the goal and strategy of the hospital in the new era and clarified that the hospital should earnestly follow the health work policy of CPC and the country. He said that Qilu Hospital has been holding high the banner of public welfare, setting a benchmark for medical education and research, and bravely shouldering responsibilities of emergency tasks. It is expected that the hospital will be built into a comprehensive regional medical center at national level, and strive to become a national clinical medical research center and a specialized regional medical center at national level. President Chen also expressed his firm confidence in promoting the construction of a “Healthy Shandong” and a “Healthy China” by taking people’s needs as our own responsibilities. 

Several awards were presented on the ceremony, including the Outstanding Contribution Award of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Outstanding Pilot Award, Qilu Talent Award, Fraternity Award and Special Contribution Award. Xi Yan, Director of Shandong Health Commission, and Zhang Ningbo, Director of Shandong Medical Security Bureau, presented winners with the prizes.

On the ceremony, the Pioneer Awards for representatives of COVID-19 fighters were presented by Guo Xinli. In this year's battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, Qilu Hospital responded to the call of the country and sent four medical teams of 150 members to support Hubei province. Those fighters represent the centennial Qilu spirit of patriotism and sense of responsibility through their heroic deeds.

On the ceremony the Chinese Medical Humanities Training Base was awarded to Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Yang Min, Yuan Zhong, vice chairman of the Medical Humanities Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctors Association, and Zhang Yanping, Director of the Medical Humanities Committee, jointly issued the plaque to Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. President Chen Yuguo received the plaque on behalf of the hospital.

The flag handover ceremony of the Ivy League Centennial Hospital Union was held at the opening ceremony. As the organizer of the 2020 Centennial Hospital Ivy League Forum, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University handed over the flag with Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the organizer of the 2021 Forum.

At the meeting, Li Weimin, President of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, represented West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, and Qilu Hospital of Shandong University in collaboration with 48 Ivy League Centennial Hospital Alliance units launched an initiative of "Promoting the Great Anti-epidemic Spirit and Holding High the Banner of Chinese Medicine" to the national health community.

The launching ceremony of the regional medical center at national level jointly built by the National Health Commission and the provincial government was also held. Heads of the National Health Commission, relevant departments of the Shandong provincial government, Jinan municipal government, Shandong University and other relevant units jointly launched the plan.

Hou Junping, Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, pointed out in the summary that the 130th anniversary of the hospital is an important milestone. Qilu Hospital will earnestly study and implement the spirit of secretary Liu Jiayi’s instructions and shoulder the responsibility. Under the correct leadership and strong support of the National Health Commission, CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, Shandong provincial government and the CPC Committee of Shandong University, Qilu Hospital will firmly adhere to the direction of socialist public hospitals, thoroughly implement the CPC’s health work policy, and move forward to build a national clinical medical research center and a regional medical center at national level. The hospital will make efforts to build a domestically first-class and internationally renowned high-level research hospital, strive to promote the “Healthy China” and “Healthy Shandong” construction and work hard to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
The ceremony was proceeded simultaneously through live webcast. After the opening ceremony, the High-Quality Development Forum for the 130th Anniversary of the Qilu Hospital of Shandong University launched a series of academic activities, including the Academician Forum, Party Building Forum, Hospital President forum and Talent forum.

By Sun Yingtao, Chen Teng.