
Qilu Hospital convened launch meeting for medical series textbook compilation of intelligent medical engineering

Updatetime:2021-04-27 14:49:17 From:International Office

On the afternoon of April 9th, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University convened the launch meeting for the medical series textbook compilation of intelligent medical engineering in the conference room at Xinxing Building. President of Qilu Hospital Chen Yuguo attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting was hosted by Lyu Ming, director of the Education Department of Qilu Hospital and executive director of the Clinical Research Center of Shandong University. Xu Xiang, director of the medical division of Shandong University Press, Cai Mengyang, editor of the press, Wang Cong, director of the Department of the Integration of Medicine and Engineering of the School of Control Science and Engineering of Shandong University, Ji Bing, deputy director of the Department of the Integration of Medicine and Engineering, Li Wei, deputy director of the Office of Academic Affairs &Undergraduate Education of Cheeloo College of Medicine, and Liu Shangming, associate professor of the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Shandong University were invited to attend the meeting. Li Xingang, academic leader of the Department of Neurosurgery of Qilu Hospital, Zhang Cheng, director of the Department of Cardiology, Yang Jianmin, deputy director of the Department of Cardiology, Liu Peilai, deputy director of the Department of Orthopedic, Ma Dedong, deputy director of the Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Yu Yanbo, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Wang Shengjun, deputy director of the Department of Neurology, Zhang Yang, deputy director of the Rehabilitation Center and other major members of each system volume compilation team of the textbook attended the meeting and discussions.

Chen Yuguo pointed out in his speech that intelligent medical engineering is a newly-developing discipline with a high degree of intersection and integration of artificial intelligence and modern medicine. At present, our country lacks medical textbook suitable for the undergraduate education. In view of this, Qilu Hospital cooperates with the School of Control Science and Engineering and the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Shandong University and other units to compile intelligent medical engineering medical curriculum module textbooks in accordance with the textbook construction idea of integrating organ system, thus to actively respond to the Ministry of Education's artificial intelligence innovation initiative for colleges and universities, and promote the cultivation of high-end inter-disciplinary talents with a deep integration of artificial intelligence and medicine.

Wang Cong gave an introduction of the foundation background, specialty characteristics, training plan and other aspects of the intelligent medical engineering specialty in Shandong University, and he focused on the medical curriculum of the specialty, which was tailored according to the cultivation goal of the major and characteristics of engineering students. The medical curriculum will be taught mainly by outstanding teachers from Qilu Hospital.
Xu Xiang introduced the plan and scheduling of the textbook compilation work, and discussed framework contents like sample chapters and compiling outlines which designed preliminarily by Ma Dedong with each system volume compilation team of the textbook. He fully affirmed that the textbook compilation meets the textbook construction requirements set by the Ministry of Education, and said that target users of the textbook should be freshmen or sophomores majoring in intelligent medical engineering, which is an obstacle to set the difficulty scale for the book.
Ji Bing introduced the medical curriculum provision of intelligent medical engineering specialty in Shandong University, and he had a preliminary discussion with each compilation team on credit adjustment, teaching content, and the allocation of credit hours for theory and practice study.

Representatives of each volume had discussions on Lyu Ming’s suggestion. Each team had a brainstorming session focusing on key points including the proportion of medical and engineering contents, cases selection, expansion of compilation team, and depth of the contents. Lyu Ming pointed out that facing the development opportunities of the new generation of artificial intelligence, how to guide students to innovate and learn independently under course pressure poses a challenge for hospital teaching team. Qilu Hospital will explore a new mode of cultivating inter-faculty and inter-disciplinary talents with a combined knowledge of medicine and engineering based on intelligent medical engineering textbook construction, in order to promote the innovation of the artificial intelligence and medicine education concept and system, and further promote academic research and the interdisciplinary construction of the integration of medicine and engineering.

Qilu Hospital undertakes the textbook compilation work as well as the theoretical and practical teaching tasks of the discipline. Taking this opportunity, the hospital will uphold the construction concept of "medical traction, intelligent support, transformational innovation, and clinical practice", accelerate the innovative applications of artificial intelligence in the field of education, and build an intelligent, web-based, personalized, and lifelong education system to provide strong support for cultivating top-notch innovative talents in the area of the integration of medicine and engineering.
By Sun Yingtao,Chen Teng