
2nd Congress of CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University held in Jinan

Updatetime:2021-05-17 11:38:16 From:Qilu Hospital

The 2nd Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University was held on March 27, 2021. Zhang Yongbing, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shandong University attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Liu Hongwei, Secretary of the CPC Working Committee of Cheeloo College of Medicine of Shandong University attended the opening ceremony. On behalf of the 1st CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital Hou Junping delivered a work report titled “Ride the wave of momentum to make breakthroughs, and pursue excellence to start a new chapter: strive to break new ground in the construction of domestic first-class and internationally renowned high-level research-oriented hospital”. President of the hospital Chen Yuguo presided over the opening ceremony.
The theme of the congress is to “Hold high the banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC comprehensively, understand the new development stage, stick to the new development philosophy, integrate to the new development paradigm, ride the wave of momentum to make breakthroughs, pursue excellence to start a new chapter, accelerate to drive the unconventional, leapfrog, and high-quality development, strive to write a new chapter in the construction of domestic first-class and internationally renowned high-level research-oriented hospital, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.”

The presidium of the 2nd Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University settled down on the rostrum. The congress opened at 9 a.m. with the national anthem. 

Zhang Yongbing delivered a speech on behalf of the CPC Committee of Shandong University, in which he highly applauded the hospital’s remarkable achievements in medical service, scientific research, talent cultivation, discipline construction, operation management and other aspects after the 1st Congress of the CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Facing the COVID-19 outbreak, the hospital immediately established a medical team to assist Hubei without hesitation, contributing Qilu wisdom, Qilu plan, Qilu strength in the fight of the epidemic, which fully demonstrated Qilu staff’s great sense of responsibility and patriotism, uplifted the spirit of Shandong University and enhanced Qilu Hospital’s reputation. Zhang Yongbing pointed out that Qilu Hospital is at the critical moment of drawing the development blueprint of the “14th Five-Year Plan” cause, promoting the construction of the national regional medical center, and accelerating high-quality development pace comprehensively. The development practice over the past four years has proved that the CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital is strong and powerful. Party organizations at all levels and Party members have played an irreplaceable role in promoting reform and development of the hospital. On behalf of the CPC Committee of the university, Zhang Yongbing put forward four expectations to the hospital: Firstly, hold on to the leading role of Party building, and strive to enhance hospital’s governance capability. Secondly, forge ahead to promote the high-quality development of the hospital; Thirdly, train talents for our country and strive to cultivate outstanding clinical medical talents; Fourthly, commit to a people-centered approach and make efforts to enhance the ability to serve society. Finally, Zhang Yongbing stressed that under the strong leadership of the CPC Committee of the hospital, Party members and medical staff of Qilu Hospital should pursue excellence, seize the day, uphold innovation and make unremitting efforts with high sense of political responsibility and historic mission to ensure a good start for the development of the hospital during the “14th Five-Year”, help the university realize the historic transformation from big to strong, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the CPC and the 120th anniversary of Shandong University with excellent performances.
On behalf of the 1st Committee of the CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Hou Junping delivered a work report, which summarizes the work since the 1st Congress comprehensively, deeply analyzes the new situation facing the hospital, puts forward the goal and development strategies for the next five years, and makes a new deployment for Party building and the hospital’s development. The report is divided into four parts: a review of the work in the past four years; the historical position, goal, and development strategies for the next five years; embarking on a new journey of high-quality development; and leading high-quality development with high-quality Party building.
The report comprehensively summarizes the work of the hospital in the past four years. Over the past four years, the CPC Committee of the hospital has assumed the responsibility of the governance of the Party, and Party building has reached a new level; it has concentrated on construction, and the high-quality development has achieved new results; it has warmed people’s hearts by sharing development results, and people’s living has made new achievements. The report points out that the hospital has made all-around achievements over the past four years, which promoted underlying revolution and won affirmation and praise from the government of all levels and all sectors of society. The report also points out that while seeing development achievements and summing up experience, the hospital should clearly understand that there are still many shortcomings in its work when comparing with the Central spirit and people’s expectations, the goal and requirements of the “Healthy China” strategy, the construction standards of the “Double First-Class ”initiative, the goal of the hospital and good expectations from medical staff of the hospital, which should be attached great importance to and solved one by one by taking effective measures. The report deeply summarizes basic experiences over the past four years’ revolution and development: We must uphold Party leadership, commit to a people-centered approach, hold development as the key and health care the root, and stick to reform, innovation and unity.
The report scientifically locates the historic position, goal, and development strategy of the hospital in the next five years based on the correct judgement of the situation facing the hospital. The report points out that for the hospital, the next period is not only a period to accumulate advantages and lay the foundation, but a strategic period to pursue and join the big league. The hospital focuses on “Healthy China 2030” strategy to accelerate the pace of development, sets the development goal of building a domestic first-class and internationally well-known high-level research-oriented hospital, and will implement the “three-step” strategic arrangement: from now to the end of the “14th Five-Year”, from 2025 to 2035, and from 2035 to 2050. The guiding principles for the development of hospital in the next five years are: adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implementing the Party’s health work policy, firmly grasping the opportunity of “Healthy China” strategy and “Double First-Class” initiative, actively integrating into the regional development strategy, centered by people’s health, invigorated by reform and innovation, guided by the establishment of three coordinated mechanisms of healthcare, discipline and cooperation, based on the continuous optimization of hospital conditions, and following the principle of “improving quality, strengthening foundation, building a team, focusing on management, unifying spirit, and expanding space” to deeply implement the five hospital development strategies of “established on healthcare, strengthened by the discipline, vitalized by talents, governed by the law, and led by Party building”, focus on promoting the “three transformations and three improvements”, pick up speed to build the comprehensive national regional medical center, strive to build the national clinical medical research center and specialized national regional medical center, establish a national-level prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery center for emergency, difficult and critical illness, and strive to build the domestic first-class and internationally well-known high-level research-oriented hospital, which would inject momentum into “Healthy China” construction and regional economic and social development.
The report points out that the next five years is the critical period for the hospital to accelerate its development and realize the development blueprint. The hospital should pay attention to ten tasks: focus on improving medical quality and create a regional medical peak, focus on strengthening overall planning and build a first-class discipline system, focus on the strategy of vitalizing the hospital by talents and strengthen the building of talents team, focus on deepening innovation drive and improve the clinical scientific and technological innovation capabilities, focus on the implementation of the spirit of strengthening moral education and cultivating people and improve the level of education and teaching, focus on adhering to the principle of opening up the hospital and expand international communication and cooperation, focus on improving operational efficiency and promote the implementation of delicacy management, focus on consolidating conditions and strengthen the construction of support capabilities, focus on building the intelligent hospital and improve the level of information, and focus on promoting co-construction and sharing and vigorously implement the project of people’s well-being.
The report puts forward clear requirements on comprehensively intensifying Party building and leading high-quality development with high-quality Party building: First, uphold and improve Party leadership over all work of the hospital; Second, focus on ideological and political work and the construction of medical ethics; Third, make efforts to build a loyal, clean, responsible and high-quality cadre team; Fourth, pay attention to improve the construction quality of primary-level Party organizations; Fifth, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members; Sixth, unswervingly implement the responsibility system for improving Party conduct and building a clean government.
Finally, Hou Junping stressed that as a new generation of Qilu staff standing at a new historical starting point, we should reflect on the past with pride and look forward to the future confidently. Under the guidance of the banner of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and inspired by the profound heritage and spiritual inheritance of the hospital, we should carry forward the spirit of devotion, pioneer, and diligence, always be bold to explore, remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, ride the wave of momentum, pursue excellence, and make efforts to break new ground of building the domestic first-class and internationally renowned high-level research-oriented hospital to contribute new and greater forces to fully build a modern socialist country and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
Veteran comrades lately withdrew from the leading body of the hospital, representatives of comrades in charge of democratic parties were invited to attend the conference. Non-official representatives of members of the 1st Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and main person in charge of related departments attended the conference as non-voting delegates. 160 delegates were presented at the conference in total.

According to the schedule of the conference, the Work Report of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Report of Charge, Usage, and Management of Party membership Dues were delivered in writing to every delegation for deliberation. Each delegation conducted a pre-selection for candidate members of the two committees, and discussed and deliberated the three reports at the same time. The congress elected the 2nd CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University and the CPC Commission for Discipline Inspection of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, and voted through the 2nd Party Member Congress of CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University’s Resolution on the Work Report of the CPC Committee of the Hospital and the 2nd Party Member Congress of CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University’s Resolution on the Work Report of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

At 3:20 p.m. on March 27, after successfully completing various agendas and tasks, the 2nd Congress of CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University was concluded successfully. Comrade Hou Junping presided over the closing ceremony and Comrade Chen Yuguo delivered a closing speech. Chen Yuguo stressed in the speech that this is a congress of transitional significance that uplifts democracy, harmony, unity, endeavor, truth, and integrity. The conference has achieved two important results. Firstly, the work report of the 1st CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University and the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been deliberated and approved, and the conference summarized major achievements and basic experience since the 1st Congress of CPC of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, analyzed present problems objectively with a pragmatic and faithful attitude, deeply expounded situation, opportunities and challenges facing the development of hospitals in the new era, scientifically planned the “three-step” arrangement to build a domestic first-class and internationally renowned high-level research-oriented hospital by the middle of this century, systematically designed the overall idea and “five strategies” the hospital should adhere to in the next five years or even longer, clarified ten major tasks for starting a new journey of development, and made comprehensive deployment for the promotion of Party building and leading high-quality development with high-quality Party building, which pointed out the direction for reform, development and stability during the “14th Five-Year” period. Secondly, the conference elected the 2nd CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University and the Commission for Discipline Inspection, offering strong political, ideological, and organizational guarantee for achieving the goals set by the conference and promoting the high-quality development of the hospital. Chen Yuguo pointed out that implementing the spirit of the 2nd Congress and striving to write the new chapter of the hospital are major political tasks before us. Firstly, we should communicate, study, publicize and implement the principle of the congress. Secondly, we should shoulder our responsibilities and work hard to implement the goal. Thirdly, we should unite and endeavor to achieve the high-quality development. Chen Yuguo pointed out that making every effort to create a new situation in reform and development of the hospital, promoting the high-quality development of the medical cause, and securing people’s life safety and physical health are not only people’s ardent expectations, but the glorious mission entrusted to us by history. Let us take the 2nd Congress as an opportunity to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and hold high the banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Under the leadership of the new hospital Party Committee, let us ride the wave of momentum, pursue excellence, unite our efforts and endeavor to build a high-level research-oriented hospital and a first-class socialist university with Chinese characteristics, presenting a gift to the 120th anniversary of the founding of Shandong University and the 100th anniversary of the CPC. 
By Sun Yingtao