
Qilu Hospital holds oath-taking ceremony for new Party members

Updatetime:2021-11-17 17:11:11 From:Qilu Hospital

On the afternoon of June 16th, Qilu Hospital held an oath-taking ceremony for new Party members on the occasion of the upcoming CPC centenary. Lin Yajie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of the hospital attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Xinping, member of the CPC Committee, Director of the Organization Department, also Secretary of general Party branch of Offices presided over the meeting. Members of the Organization Department, comrades in charge of general Party branches, and 69 new Party members attended the oath-taking ceremony.
Lin Yajie pointed out in his speech that Party members are the cornerstones and cells of the CPC. The CPC Committee of the hospital has attached great importance to developing Party members. By strictly implementing the principle of “controlling the total number, optimizing the structure, improving the quality and playing an important role”, the committee has been governing from source, strictly inspecting the development procedure, and controlling the quality of Party members. He emphasized that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, and it is also the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, during which the reform and development of public hospitals will be faced with new situation and tasks. As a state-level hospital, Qilu Hospital should firmly grasp the strategic opportunity period, and take reform and innovation as the driving force to continuously promote the high-quality development of public hospitals. He requested that new Party members should adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen political theory studies, implement the work requirements of activities including educational practice on the theme of “I do practical things for the masses” and “Party flag blowing at grassroots” activity, learn to be qualified Party members, strive to be outstanding Party members, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.  

On the ceremony, Hu Zhao, member of the fourth batch of the medical assistance team to aid Hubei, who is also the Deputy Director of the Internal Medicine Center, and the Secretary of the general Party branch of the Department of Nephrology led to take the oath. 69 probationary Party members took the solemn oath facing the Party flag, with veteran Party members joining them. After takin the oath, Yan Yan, representative of Party members, and Secretary of the general Party branch of the Department of Surgery, and Guo Bingxiu of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, who is the representative of probationary Party members gave speeches respectively. 

Taking the oath to join the CPC is not only an important part of Party member development procedure, but a significant opportunity to strengthen the beliefs of new Party members. Through this oath-taking ceremony, new Party members received a spiritual baptism, inspiring all Party members to further strengthen their communist beliefs and be qualified CPC members.

By Sun Yingtao,Ji Haoyi