
Qilu Hospital holds 2022 Chinese Doctor’s Day celebrations

Updatetime:2022-08-22 11:40:06 From:Qilu Hospital

On August 17, Qilu Hospital's 2022 Chinese Doctor's Day celebration was held in the auditorium. Liu Hongwei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Cheeloo College of Medicine of Shandong University, Hou Junping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qilu Hospital, Chen Yuguo, President of Qilu Hospital, Wang Bingxue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Liu Qing, Chief Accountant, Lin Yajie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Ji Chunyan, Vice President, Chen Yingying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Cheng Yufeng, Vice President, Tian Hui, Vice President, Han Hui, Vice President, Zhang Wanmin, Leader at vice Presidential level, Zhang Xinping, Party Committee Member and Director of the Organization Department, and Yu Chenghao and Hou Ningning, Assistants to the President attended the event.

The celebration kicked off with a short film "Record of Qilu Doctors". Hou Junping sent greetings and wishes to the medical staff of the hospital in his speech. He pointed out that the doctors are the main body of the hospital, and the most important strategic resources for the development of the hospital, the quality of whom directly determines the future of the hospital and the quality of diagnosis and treatment. For a long time, our medical staff have been fighting on the fronts of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, highlighting the Qilu spirit of “Healing the people, pursuing the truth of Science” with selfless dedication and love. At a time when the whole country is looking forward to the 20th Party Congress, Hou Junping put forward four requirements to doctors of Qilu Hospital: endeavor after the great cause of rejuvenation, remain true to our original aspiration, study diligently, and work together to promote development.

The activity is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter "Inheritance", veteran experts of the hospital sent messages to doctors through video, and then "Meritorious Doctors" in 2022 were commended.

In the second chapter "Endeavour", the advanced departments and individuals for promoting the high-quality development of the hospital's medical work were commended, the responsibility prize, cooperation prize, great love prize and pioneering doctor prize were awarded as well.

Zuo Xiuli, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology, passed on her medical experience to young doctors. Firstly, to be a reliable and warm doctor, you must have a pure heart, and complete your work steadfastly and earnestly; secondly, you must be innovative, learning new technologies based on clinical work; thirdly, be resilient able to withstand setback in scientific research. She hoped young doctors to live up to their youth and become excellent doctors.

In the third chapter “Sailing”, Chen Yuguo gave uniforms(gowns) to the representatives of newly recruited medical staff.

The representatives of newly recruited medical staff took the solemn oath under the leadership of Han Hui.

Chen Yuguo extended congratulations and greetings to doctors. He pointed out that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core has placed people's health as a strategic priority. In the face of new opportunities, new tasks, and new requirements, Qilu people have always been striving for excellence day and night. Chen Yuguo asked everyone to always adhere to the concept of "people first, life first", continue to carry forward the lofty professional spirit of "respect and save people’s lives, be willing to dedicate, and love without bounds", and actively participate in the construction of the domestic first-class and internationally renowned high-level research-oriented hospital.

The fourth chapter, "Chasing Dreams", reviews and summarizes the remarkable achievements of discussion activities of "I Love Qilu" series. The launch ceremony of Practice activities of “I Love Qilu" was also held. Liu Hongwei, Hou Junping and Chen Yuguo jointly started the event.

In his concluding speech, Liu Hongwei, on behalf of the university and all teachers and medical staff, extended sincere greetings and best wishes to doctors. He said that in recent years, Qilu Hospital has been putting people's health at the center, focusing on building a highland of medical services and the construction of national regional medical center, and making every effort to promote the establishment of the national medical center, national clinical medical research center and pilot hospital for the high-quality development of national public hospitals. Qilu Hospital has made great efforts and achieved fruitful results in disease prevention and treatment, pandemic prevention and treatment, medical personnel training, and medical technology development. Liu Hongwei hoped the hospital would remain true to the original aspiration, and make new contributions to better protect people’s health.

The celebration was interspersed with various performances. Medley of songs, the play “Where I am is Qilu Hospital” by the medical team dispatched to aid Shanghai, and poem reading “We are doctors” by representatives of newly recruited doctors. Finally, the song "My Motherland and Me" and "Without the CPC, there would be no new China" chorused by the directors of the clinical departments push the event to a climax. The whole audience stood up, held national flags, and sang passionately. The event ended successfully in a warm atmosphere.

More than 200 people attended the event, including heads of functional departments, secretaries of all party branches, heads of clinical departments, representatives of award winners, and new employee representatives, etc.

By Sun Yingtao, Chen Teng