
Qilu Hospital held a conference on leadership’s work report in 2022

Updatetime:2023-01-28 07:44:58 From:Qilu Hospital

On December 30, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University held a conference on leadership’s work in 2022, comprehensively reviewing the work of 2022 and looking forward to the work plan and measures in 2023. Hou Junping, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University attended the meeting and gave a work report on behalf of the hospital’s leadership. Chen Yuguo, president of the hospital hosted the meeting and delivered a closing speech. Su Hua, and Lin Yajie, Deputy Secretaries of the CPC Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University hosted leadership report meetings of administrative departments and clinical departments respectively.

In his work report, Hou Junping pointed out that over the past year, the hospital has been adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and learning, publicizing as well as implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress. Centering on the requirements of high-quality development of public hospitals, the hospital has strengthened the leadership of Party building and promoted the rapid development of medical education, research, and management. Over the past year, Qilu Hospital has devoted to enhance its comprehensive ability. We have achieved great breakthroughs in the foundation of the National Medical Center. In addition, the hospital has made improvements in medical services, education and teaching, science and technology innovation, discipline construction, introduction and cultivation of talents, and operation management. Hou Junping pointed out that, 2023 is the first year to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and the critical year for the hospital to accelerate the foundation of the “Three Centers and One Pilot Program”. Qilu Hospital will deeply understand the new development principle and implement the “Five Development Strategies”, unite to better control the pandemic, and create a new situation of unconventional, leapfrog and high-quality development of the hospital in an all-round way.

When presiding over the meeting, Chen Yuguo stressed that 2022 is an extremely special and important year. Over the past year, hospitals have made overall efforts on pandemic prevention and control, career development, and security and stability. The 14th Five-Year Plan has been gradually implemented, the strategy of "Strengthening Disciplines and Revitalizing the Hospital" has been deeply implemented, and all kinds of work of medical, education, research and management have been deeply integrated. The hospital has taken a major step forward in its unconventional, leapfrog, and high-quality development. The tasks of pandemic prevention and control support and medical treatments were successfully completed. In the "National Examination", our hospital ranked 13th in the country. Moreover, 102 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation we applied were approved, ranking 15th in the country's medical institutions. Chen Yuguo pointed out that in 2023, it is necessary to pay close attention to political construction, and unremittingly promote the development of the cause. He said that the hospital should do a good job in overall planning and coordination, increasing its ability of efficient overall planning in complex situations. 
Members of the leadership of the hospital reported on their work in turn. The main responsible person of the middle-level leading team of the hospital delivered work reports from three aspects: completion of the objectives, main existing problems, and the key breakthroughs in next year’s work. From the perspective of the overall development of the hospital, and focusing on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, leaders in charge made reports and comments on how to achieve new breakthroughs in their departments, and promoting the high-quality development of the hospital. By summarizing the work, exchanging experience,  and looking ahead, they have laid a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of the hospital in the new era.
Members of the leading group of the hospital, principal responsible persons of the administrative and clinical departments, secretaries of the Party organizations, representatives of outstanding talents, and representatives of democratic parties attended the meeting. Participants conducted a democratic evaluation based on the leading team’s work reports.

By Sun Yingtao, Ji Haoyi