
Notice on carrying out the assessment of scientific research achievements in 2019

Updatetime:2020-09-28 15:31:46     From:

Each department:

According to the work deployment of the hospital and the requirements of the management measures for scientific research performance assessment of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University (Shanda Qilu Hospital Ke Zi [2019] No.1), the scientific research performance assessment of each department in 2019 is now carried out. Please arrange the personnel of each department to collect the personnel task list from the scientific research department from December 8 to December 12, and check it carefully. If you have any objection, please raise it and confirm it at the scientific research department. The final task list of the Department personnel will be submitted to the scientific research department after being checked and signed by the department head (before December 20). Our department will determine the task score of the corresponding department according to the submitted list. Due to the improvement of the score standard, the task score is calculated by twice the corresponding score.
The scientific research secretaries of each department are requested to fill in the assessment form in Annex 1 carefully according to the requirements in Appendix 1. For Chinese and English papers, please provide the necessary electronic supporting materials. The impact factors are subject to the latest impact factors of 2018 (Annex 4) published in 2019.
In addition, in order to cooperate with the year-end statistical work of Shandong Provincial Department of health and Shandong University, each department is requested to submit the following materials in Appendix 2 and 3: Appendix 2 reports the publication of works in 2019, and the electronic version of the cover and copyright page of the work; Annex 3 reports the situation of holding and co organizing conferences at all levels in 2019.
All departments and offices are requested to package and send the electronic version of the above-mentioned materials to the email address of the scientific research department before December 22, 2019 qlyykyc@163.com The evaluation of scientific research achievements must include the necessary electronic proof materials, and the email should be named after the Department name.
Appendix 1 scientific research performance evaluation form.xls